Need help digging under your family tree?

That’s what I’m here for.

I’ve been researching my own family history… and helping other folks with theirs… since 1978. I can help you with family history, house history, digitizing (pictures, documents, movies and audio)… or advise about doing your own research, using genealogy websites, scanning/filing away pictures & documents, taking a DNA test or filling in tree chart. Whatever you need.

I have a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University, and have spent years searching through records & making sense of what I’ve found. Finding information is easier than it’s ever been, but much of what you’ll find is unsourced & unreliable. I can help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

I charge a straight rate of $49/hr, with no minimum number of hours. I offer an initial free 30 min of consultation, and an initial 4 hours of time for $149. Every situation is different, and I’ll do as little or as much as you’d like. A full list of what I can offer & current rates is here, or under the ‘Services’ tab above.

To schedule a free consultation… or just get more information… fill out the form below & I’ll get in touch.

Thanks very much for visiting. 🌳

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